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Five reasons why the FirstStep Test is the perfect stocking filler

firststep xmas

The chaos of Black Friday and Cyber Monday are firmly in the shadows and Christmas is just around the corner. Have you managed to complete all your Christmas shopping already?

At this time of year, we often splurge on the main, ‘big’ presents for your loved ones, but what about all the little Christmas presents that can sometimes be left behind until the very last minute?

From stocking fillers to Secret Santa’s, you want your little presents to pack a punch. If your small gift budget is under £25, here at yorktest we can most certainly help you out! Our FirstStep test is a simple pre-screen for raised antibodies in your blood. It’s a simple home-to-lab finger-prick blood test ideal for anyone wanting to know if an IgG food reaction is present.

Here’s five reasons why the FirstStep test is the perfect small present.

It’s only £24.99

Which fits in perfectly to a Secret Santa budget. It’s easy to panic-buy a silly or generic present without really giving much thought into what you’re actually buying for your friend or family member. You may even be tempted to re-wrap a present that you received in the past that you’ve never really liked or used!

With the FirstStep test, you’re stepping away from the typical scented shower gels, deodorants or makeup giftsets and wrapping up a practical and thoughtful gift. After all, Christmas is a time for giving.

It could be the first step to better health in the New Year

The FirstStep test is ideal for those health-conscious individuals looking to make an improvement to their health in the New Year. You might be aware that they’re looking to take a closer look at their diet for sports optimisation purposes or feel that there’s just something in their diet that’s simply not working for them.

The FirstStep test does what it says on the box: it’s the first stage of testing with yorktest. By choosing this path for them, they will be able to preview the exceptional customer service provided by yorktest and allow them to test the waters before advancing to a full programme.

It opens the door for them to take action on their existing symptoms

You may have noticed over this past year that your friend or loved one has been complaining of unexplained symptoms. They may bloat after a meal at a restaurant, suffer from regular skin issues, complain of frequent tiredness or they may suffer from IBS and are struggling to cope with the condition.

Did you know 45% of all patients who go to their GP leave with medically unexplained symptoms*? If the person you’re buying a present for has consulted with their doctor and are still at a loss as to what is triggering their symptoms, our FirstStep test allows them to look at their diet in closer detail.

They’ll pay even less if they choose to progress onto the second stage

If their test result comes back positive, they will have the option to progress onto one of our full programmes to establish what ingredients they are reacting to. If they decide to pursue the second testing stage, they will receive £25 off a full programme, all thanks to your gift!

They’ll be in safe hands

Whether they are symptomatic, or looking to improve their diet, you can rest assured knowing that your friend or loved one is in safe hands. When they receive their FirstStep result, they’ll receive a call from our friendly customer care team to discuss it. If their result is positive, they can advise on the right full programme for them and both our customer care team and our team of nutritional therapists are there to fully support them throughout their second programme.

Order the FirstStep test before Christmas!

yorktest define Food Intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction. Our information is intended to provide nutritional advice for dietary optimisation. yorktest do not claim to treat or cure symptoms and recommend that you discuss any medical concerns you have with a GP before undertaking a yorktest programme.

