Leigh Murphy

Symptoms: nausea, vomiting
Food Reactions: cow's milk

“I’m a different man…it changed my life!”

  • Leigh Murphy had been experiencing his disruptive symptoms for four years
  • The 48 year old Managing Director struggled to eat and this affected both his home and work life and was particularly embarrassing when he was dining out
  • After discovering yorktest’s services, he found out that he was intolerant to cow’s milk
  • Two weeks after removing this from his diet, he “felt great”


Leigh Murphy, a 48-year-old Managing Director, had been plagued by a series of troublesome symptoms for four whole years.

The nausea, vomiting and excessive gas and wind left him feeling like he’d “been hit by a car”. These problems had a big impact on both his home and work life. As a Managing Director, he was frequently required to meet clients for lunch but often felt too nauseous to eat. It was the same story when he dined out with family and friends.

Suspecting his own symptoms were down to a food intolerance, Leigh began to blindly avoid certain foods in the hope this would change the way he felt. At one stage he claimed that he was on a “cave man diet”, eating just meat and salad.

A turning point for Leigh came when he read a Daily Mail article featuring Strictly Come Dancing Star, Kristina Rihanoff. Kristina followed a yorktest Food Sensitivity Test in 2016 and overcame her food intolerance with the help of our expert team.

After reading about this, Leigh purchased a FirstStep test from us, which confirmed he was sensitive to something in his diet. Just like Kristina, he then chose to follow a Food&DrinkScan program himself, which proved to be a hugely valuable decision.

yorktest offers a fast track elimination diet guided by the analysis of IgG reactions to up to 208 food and drink ingredients. The test involves sending a finger prick blood sample to the company’s laboratories, which is analyzed within ten days. The test revealed that Leigh was reacting to cow’s milk.

The next step was to find a way to safely remove this from Leigh’s diet. As part of his program, he was entitled to a telephone consultation with a registered nutritional therapist, additional content material and continued guidance from a friendly Customer Care team.

Leigh found the process very difficult, as “milk was in everything”, but with yorktest’s support, he successfully eliminated dairy from his diet. The results proved to be well worth the effort. Within just two weeks of cutting his intolerance out, Leigh felt “great”.

“Restaurants are still a hazard as they put butter in everything,” Leigh said. “I watch everything I put in my mouth very, very carefully but I feel great! It’s been a life changing event.”

Further support

Did you know 75% of our customers in 2017 came to us with digestive problems? We have extra content for you below which may interest you:

Michael Smith, 26: Rotherham United footballer, Michael Smith, had been experiencing heartburn and gas for four years and turned to yorktest to help him discover his individual food triggers. Two weeks after eliminating his intolerances, Michael’s symptoms had gone.

yorktest advise that you consult with your doctor first if you are experiencing the types of symptoms mentioned in this testimonial.

yorktest define food intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction
