Michael Smith

Symptoms: heartburn, digestive problems
Food Reactions: cow’s milk, yeast, eggs

“It’s made life much easier. I feel more energetic and less fatigued”

  • Footballer, Michael Smith, suffered with heartburn and gas for four years.
  • An endoscopy procedure did not highlight any problems.
  • Michael turned to yorktest to find the root cause of his symptoms.
  • The test revealed he had three intolerances – cow’s milk, yeast and eggs.
  • Two weeks after eliminating these ingredients, Michael’s symptoms had gone.
  • He said: “It’s made life much easier. I feel more energetic and less fatigued.”


For half of his footballing career, Michael Smith had been hampered by heartburn and gas symptoms, which had a negative impact on his overall energy levels.

The 26-year-old Rotherham United player treated these problems with Rennie and Gaviscon tablets but was interested in finding the root cause of his condition. His doctor therefore arranged for him to have an endoscopy, but when this did not highlight any issues, Michael was advised to investigate his diet and have a food sensitivity test.

A yorktest food sensitivity test analyses a person’s IgG reactions for up to 208 food and drinks ingredients, identifying the “trigger foods” that their body is reacting to.  Food intolerance has been associated with a large range of troublesome symptoms such as IBSmigraines, eczema, bloating and depression.

In addition to the testing process, those who follow a yorktest program also receive comprehensive support, including a consultation with a registered nutritional therapist to guide them through their elimination diet.

Michael’s test identified cow’s milk, yeast and eggs as his food intolerances. The next step was to arrange a consultation with one of yorktest’s dedicated team of nutritional therapists, who could advise him on how to safely remove these ingredients from his diet.

“This was really hard as the things I am intolerant to are in most things,” Michael commented.

Fortunately, yorktest nutritional therapist, Ali Orr, helped him to formulate an elimination diet that would work for him.  Not only did she help Michael to gain a better understanding of his problem foods, she also explained how he could balance his diet with nutritious alternatives.

“She was very helpful,” said Michael. “And introduced me to new foods that I could eat.”

After just two weeks of eliminating his trigger foods, the Rotherham player found that his heartburn and gas had disappeared and he also felt that his energy levels had improved.

“It’s made life much easier,” he said. “I feel more energetic and less fatigued.”

yorktest advise that you consult with your doctor first if you are experiencing the types of symptoms mentioned in this testimonial

† yorktest define food intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction
