Claire Sampson

Symptoms: skin issues
Food Reactions: cow’s milk, yeast, carrot, avocado

“I can now wear my wedding and engagement rings again”

      • Claire’s continual battle with inflamed eczema left her unable to wear her wedding and engagement rings
      • From July 2017 onwards, her itchy eczema then developed into arm pain and her skin began to peel
      • Claire sought advice from her doctor and dermatologist but was told there’s nothing she could do to get rid of her skin condition
      • The food sensitivity test revealed she was intolerant to cow’s milk, yeast, carrot and avocado
      • Within a week of her elimination diet, she noticed a “huge change” and has seen further improvements since. Her eczema looks like “it was never there” and her battle with the skin condition is now over

    Claire Sampson had suffered from intense eczema for many years but, it was not until July 2017, she began to experience arm pain, along with peeling skin. The swelling and itch of her eczema left Claire unable to wear her engagement and wedding rings.

    The 32-year-old administrator came across yorktest food intolerance programs after her mother had taken a test previously. “I read the reviews and saw that it had helped people with eczema,” she recalls.

    The process, which involves sending a finger prick blood sample to the company’s laboratories to be analyzed for reactions to up to 208 food and drink ingredients, revealed that Claire had reactions to cow’s milk, yeast, avocado and carrot. The full program provides a 30-minute call with a registered Nutritional Therapist and additional content material to give further support.

    The next step for Claire was to eliminate her food triggers that could be aggravating her skin condition. The elimination process was, at first, challenging for the 32-year-old; It was “hard to begin with but I’m used to it now” after the nutritional consultation allowed her to explore other food alternatives, Claire explains.

    “The change in my skin was amazing. My arm improved within about a week and my hands cleared up quite quickly,” says Claire. Within 7 days, “I noticed a huge general change and now, after 3 months, it’s like my eczema was never there”. “I can now wear my wedding and engagement rings again!” Claire excitedly announces. The administrator has remained on her elimination diet since August and the next step is to start reintroducing her food reactions back into her diet.

    “I’m more confident and a lot less stressed about my skin. especially my arm as that was very painful” recalls Claire. Finding an explanation for her itchy and inflamed eczema and what foods aggravate it has been a significant stress and pain reliever.

    “I feel normal again!”.

Claire followed a Premium Food Sensitivity Test

Our nutritional therapist, Sandra, helped Claire to optimize her diet

  • yorktest advise that you consult with your doctor first if you are experiencing the types of symptoms mentioned in this testimonial.
    † yorktest define food intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction