Sophie Leckonby

young woman with round glasses taking a selfie in a black top with a pink lanyard around her neck
Symptoms: upper and lower abdominal pain, bloating
Food Reactions: cow's milk, coffee, eggs, yeast, sesame seeds, wheat, pumpkin, gluten, chia seeds

“I feel enlightened and a little relieved that I finally have the answers as to why I feel the pains”


For 5 years, 20-year-old pharmacy technician, Sophie Leckonby, had been struggling with severe pain in her upper and lower abdomen and experienced bloating after eating.

She explained how these symptoms had affected her during this time, “I had continuous pain in my stomach every day, sometimes worsened after eating. I struggled to go out with friends and family for meals as I knew I would suffer afterwards.”

young woman with round glasses taking a selfie in a black top with a pink lanyard around her neck

Sophie learned about YorkTest through her cousin who had also taken the test and decided to try it in a bid to get to the root cause of her symptoms.

After taking a Premium Food Sensitivity Test Sophie found she had IgG reactivity to cow’s milk, coffee, eggs, yeast, sesame seeds, wheat, pumpkin, gluten and chia seeds. After eliminating her trigger ingredients, Sophie’s symptoms began to take a turn for the better.  “I felt less pain in my upper abdomen and lower stomach. I was able to eat more food in one sitting without feeling sick. I am able to go out for meals with friends and family, however I need to make wise choices from the menu.”

Talking about her experience with trying to eliminate multiple foods from her diet, Sophie said, “I found it extremely difficult and I cannot fully stick to it everyday. It just helps knowing what foods/ingredients will cause pain so I can be prepared for it.”

Our test analyses your IgG reactions to 200 food and drinks – from common ingredients like gluten and cow’s milk, to health superfoods like kale and quinoa. The process involves sending a finger-prick blood sample back to YorkTest, Sophie then received her results within 7-days through the Wellness Hub, in an easy-to-read traffic light-based format.

Following on from the test, we asked Sophie how she found the customer service experience to which she replied: “Always helpful.”

Similarly, on her appointment with one of our nutritional experts, Sophie added: “Very helpful, I was sent through some online leaflets and she talked me through the other options I could have instead of my trigger foods and what foods to avoid.”

When asked to sum up her whole experience with YorkTest, Sophie concluded: “I feel enlightened and a little relieved that I finally have the answers as to why I feel the pains. I feel it was well worth the money.”
