Nahid Ahadian

Nahid Ahadian Abdominal pains
Symptoms: stomach problems
Food Reactions: yeast, cow's milk

“I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel”

  • 66-year-old Nahid Ahadian had suffered with abdominal problems for 3 years, which included a heaviness and ache in her right side
  • The retiree stopped participating in many activities which had an impact on her social life and confidence
  • She had previously sought advice from her doctor and tried various medications but to no avail
  • Nahid came across yorktest after an advert appeared for food sensitivity testing
  • Her food sensitivity test results revealed she was intolerant to yeast and cow’s milk
  • Within 3 weeks of dietary change, Nahid noticed a significant change in her health. She is ‘nearly pain-free every day’, and has lost 5 pounds in weight
  • The retiree can now see the ‘light at the end of the tunnel and has the knowledge to cope’ with her stomach pains


Nahid Ahadian had suffered with stomach problems for over 3 years. “I would feel heaviness and ache in my right side which could be painful sometimes,” Nahid explained. Her continued stomach problems left the retiree unable to partake in activities, such as walking, which affected her social life. “I stopped doing many activities, which made me depressed. I was losing the confidence to go far away from home,” the retiree said.

Nahid sought advice from her doctor over the course of the 3 years she suffered from stomach problems but to no avail. “I had many tests done but no definite diagnosis, even dietitians couldn’t help,” she said. It is thought that medically unexplained symptoms account for up to a fifth of doctor consultations in the UK. These symptoms include digestive problems – Nahid’s primary symptom.

The 66-year-old came across yorktest Laboratories after an advert appeared whilst doing research on the computer. Deciding she had nothing to lose, Nahid ordered a full food sensitivity program.

yorktest offers a fast track elimination diet by analyzing IgG reactions to up to 208 food and drink ingredients. The IBS Diet Program which involves sending a finger prick sample to the company’s laboratories revealed that Nahid had reactions to cow’s milk and yeast.

The full program provides up to two consultations with a registered nutritional therapist, additional content material, including a personalized list of FODMAP foods, and continued guidance from our Customer Care team to give further support. Nahid felt surprised by the results and her next step was to eliminate her trigger foods from her diet. “I found it hard at the start but with the help of Sandra, the nutritional therapist, I was able to cope” she said.

Within 3 weeks, Nahid noticed a significant change in her stomach problems and felt “much better” after removing her trigger foods from her diet. Not only has she seen a reduction in her stomach pain, but she has also lost 5 pounds on her elimination diet.

The retiree is still following her diet plan for the foreseeable future and has found the nutritional consultations and Customer Care team “excellent”.

“I’m emotionally much better and I now have the knowledge to cope,” Nahid expressed. She can now partake in the activities she was unable to do when she suffered from her stomach problems.

“I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel,” Nahid announced.

Our Nutritional Therapist, Sandra, helped Nahid to optimize her diet.

yorktest advise that you consult with your doctor first if you are experiencing the types of symptoms mentioned in this testimonial.

yorktest define food intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction
