Charlotte Earle

woman with short hair taking a selfie
Age: 40
Symptoms: bloating, nausea
Food Reactions: wheat, gluten, cow's milk, egg white, peanuts

"I'm so grateful I took the test, I was concerned about avoiding so many key foods but I feel hugely better now, it's all worth it."

“I’m so grateful I took the test”


40-year-old business analyst, Charlotte Earle, was dealing with a range of unpleasant symptoms for a number of years. Charlotte felt bloated and nauseous on a daily basis with symptoms akin to IBS.

When asked about how these symptoms affected her life, Charlotte said: “I always felt nervous about what I could eat and how it would affect me. Sometimes the symptoms would be over the course of a couple of weeks and other times they were instant. I constantly felt sick too, which is never a pleasant feeling.”

Charlotte added “I was always concerned about meals out or at friends’ houses, about how my body would react.”

Through a colleague at the RNLI, Charlotte heard about YorkTest and decided to try it in a bid to find out the root cause of her symptoms.

woman with short hair posing for a selfie

After taking the Premium Food Sensitivity Test, Charlotte’s results indicated that her body was reacting to wheat, gluten, cow’s milk, egg white and peanuts.

We asked Charlotte how she felt after removing these trigger foods. “Over the course of a couple of weeks, the bloating had vastly reduced and I no longer felt sick all the time. A huge difference and one I’m massively grateful for.”

“After a few days I started to feel better and as time went on over the weeks and now months, I feel even better and back to being my normal self again. After quite a few years of issues it’s great to feel like me again.”

Our test analyses your IgG reactions to 200 food and drinks – from common ingredients like gluten and cow’s milk, to health superfoods like kale and quinoa.

The process involves sending a finger-prick blood sample back to YorkTest, Charlotte then received her results within 7-days through the Wellness Hub, in an easy-to-read traffic light-based format.

Eliminating the trigger foods and sticking to her diet plan has helped clear Charlotte’s symptoms, “Over the course of a couple of weeks, the bloating had vastly reduced and I no longer felt sick all the time. A huge difference and one I’m massively grateful for.”

When asked about her customer service experience, Charlotte commented: “very nice and friendly, helpful and caring.”

When asked how life had changed since taking the test and how she would summarize her experience, Charlotte concluded: “I’m so grateful I took the test, I was concerned about avoiding so many key foods but I feel hugely better now, it’s all worth it. It’s about finding things you can eat rather than dwelling on what you can’t.”
