How to Use an Air Fryer at Christmas

How to Use an Air Fryer at Christmas

3 minute read time

As one of the gadgets of the year, the air fryer is likely to have made it onto your Christmas wish list, if you’re not lucky enough to own one already. But have you considered using an air fryer on the big day itself?

With Christmas just around the corner, the usual excitement and last-minute stress of preparing the turkey and all the trimmings may not be the same this year as Americans grapple with rising grocery and energy prices.

In the past year, ‘Air fryer’ searches have hit 823,000 in the US on Google alone. Their popularity in 2022 has soared, with viral recipe videos on TikTok and Instagram causing them to sell out in stores.

Their boom in popularity comes as Tefal found on average families can save up to 80% on energy usage and bills. And, according to WebMD, cooking in an air fryer can also cut calories by 70 – 80% as air fryers use little to no oil.

It’s vital to regularly clean your air fryer – to avoid excess fat build up, but also to keep those who have intolerances and allergies safe.

When cooking for those who have food sensitivities or intolerances, it is crucial to avoid cross-contamination – which could easily happen if the air fryer is not cleaned between uses.

But can it meet the standards of cooking up a festive feast?

YorkTest worked with our expert nutritionist, Sal Hanvey, to provide air fryer versions of three classic American holiday recipes which are likely to be cheaper alternatives for your festive day.

1. Sage & Onion Stuffing (With gluten-free option)

Total time: 20 minutes

Serves: 4-6


  • 4 cups herb seasoned breadcrumbs, (gluten free if needed)
  • 1 tsp dried sage
  • 1/2/ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1.5 cup vegetable stock
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  • 1/4-1/2 cup onion, chopped


  • Place the breadcrumbs into a bowl.
  • Add the stock and melted butter.
  • Mix together until the breadcrumbs and the liquids are combined.
  • Add in the onion, cinnamon, and sage.
  • Stir until the breadcrumbs combine with the other ingredients.
  • Place the stuffing in the air fryer tray – we recommend using a baking tray if compatible with your air fryer
  • Cook at 330 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes until cooked through, stirring halfway through the cooking time.
  • Season with sea salt and cracked black pepper and serve.

2. Brussels Sprouts with Parmesan (can be substituted for vegan cheese)

Total time: 15 minutes

Serves: 3-4 side dishes


  • 400g Brussels sprouts
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp onion or garlic powder
  • 1 ounce of finely grated parmesan cheese (This can be substituted for vegan cheese or small bacon pieces can be added at this stage.)
  • Pinch of sea salt


  • Cut the Brussels sprouts in half and rinse them.
  • In a bowl, combine the olive oil and onion or garlic powder and mix.
  • Put the sprouts into the air fryer, in an even layer so they go crispy. 
  • –        Air fry for 8 mins at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, then open the tray and add the parmesan cheese.
  • Cook for further 2 -3 mins and serve.

3. Hasselback Potatoes

Total time: 45 minutes

Serves: 4


  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 1 tsp garlic or onion powder
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese (Optional, skip this step for a dairy-free recipe)
  • 12 tsps of fresh parsley (Finely chopped)
  • Season with rock salt and cracked black pepper


  • Preheat the air fryer to 340 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Add a drizzle of oil or spray to the air fryer tray.
  • Slice the potatoes 3/4 the way down, until each potato has about 10 slices. Do not cut all the way through the potato.
  • Combine olive oil and seasoning in a small bowl and mix.
  • Use a pastry brush and put half of the oil and season mix onto the potatoes.
  • Air fry the potatoes for 20 minutes.
  • Open the tray and brush the remainder of the mixture onto the potatoes
  • Cook for another 15 minutes
  • Then, once cooked, remove from the air fryer and sprinkle parmesan cheese and parsley over the potatoes and serve hot.

Commenting on the recipes, Sal added:

“Christmas is already an expensive time and this year especially so with the cost of living crisis impacting us all. Air fryers are blowing up and for good reason, as they are known to produce extremely tasty food, a cheaper way of cooking it, and relieve the stress of juggling different timings.

“These recipes are favorites among American families and it’s great to see that friends and family can still have a variety of festive and nutritious dishes without missing out due to cost. If you’re looking to save money and time this festive season, don’t forget to turn to your air fryer.”


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