All Food Sensitivity tests are not the same

All Food Sensitivity tests are not the same

2 minute read time

Don’t be misled by cheap prices, quick turnaround times and hair testing.

Here at YorkTest, our Scientists are all experienced Biochemists and Biomedical Scientists who know a thing or two about testing. With NHS testing backgrounds, when it comes to test validity, we know what we are talking about.

We are used to running our own accredited laboratory and we know what it takes to accurately measure food sensitivity; we’ve been manufacturing our own food-specific IgG tests and carrying out this type of testing since 1998!

In order to determine whether someone has a food sensitivity you have to use a blood sample. The only exception is lactose intolerance testing which can either be done with a blood sample too, or using a sample of breath.

The analysis of the blood sample for food sensitivity markers takes time. Our tests are our hospital standard, and the testing process takes two and a half hours per test. This process is ran by our expert scientists, and then quality checked a second time to monitor quality control and ensure accurate results.

The accuracy and reproducibility of our tests are important to us. Our laboratory knows that we have excellent test reproducibility because each week split samples (from the same person) are tested blind through the laboratory, and we know that >98% of the time they give the same results.

The food sensitivity markers measured readily circulate in blood and there is plenty of independent research that elimination diets based on food-specific IgG testing are valid, have basis in science and are accurate.

Before you decide on a food sensitivity test stop and think before you decide which type to use. Here’s some tips from us:-

• Don’t be swayed by impossibly quick service or low pricing. High quality hospital standard tests take time and as a result can cost more.

• Avoid tests that use hair samples. Remember that there is nothing in hair or emitted from hair that can be measured that can give any indication about food sensitivity, non-foods reactions, nutrition, the gut-biome, digestive enzymes or other factors claimed.

• Be wary of “tests” that are not recognised as scientific and that do not have independent scientific evidence. Results from these types of tests can lead to many foods being eliminated from the diet unnecessarily.

Give yourself the best chance to get it right first time and feel better.


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