Amy Cowley

acid reflux sinuses amy
Symptoms: acid reflux, sinus problems
Food Reactions: yeast, milk

“Since identifying my trigger foods, I feel invigorated and like a new person”

  • Blocked sinuses and mucus build-up triggered asthma symptoms for business manager Amy, affecting her performance at work as well as her social life
  • Food intolerance testing revealed reactions to yeast and milk
  • After cutting them out of her diet, Amy’s symptoms disappeared and she can finally enjoy running and horse riding without getting out of breath


For more than ten years, Amy Cowley endured blocked sinuses, acid reflux and breathing problems, which had a major impact on her job, as well as her ability to enjoy hobbies. Amy, 31, from Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, who works as a business manager for a recruitment company, explains, “My symptoms meant I had difficulty communicating clearly with clients and the mucus build-up triggered asthma symptoms which inhibited my ability to run and ride my horse.”

She researched dietary information, used an inhaler to ease her breathing problems and booked appointments at an alternative health clinic, who advised her to avoid all dairy products, tomatoes and blueberries. Despite these measures, her symptoms did not improve.

One day at work, someone at work mentioned the YorkTest Food Intolerance* Programme – the process involves sending a finger-prick blood sample to the company’s laboratory to test reactions to over 200 foods, with the colour-coded results (red for reaction, amber for borderline and green meaning no reaction) identifying the ‘trigger’ foods and degree of intolerance. Curious, Amy decided to try it herself: her results revealed a reaction to yeast and milk. The next step was to safely eliminate these trigger foods, which Amy admits was difficult. “Bread was a large part of my daily diet and cutting this out limited my options. On top of that, yeast is also in sauces, stock and vinegars.”

Determined to see it through, Amy booked a telephone consultation with one of YorkTest’s Nutritional Therapists, who advised her how to find balanced alternatives. “I found the consultation very helpful as I felt she really got to know me as an individual and could fine-tune my dietary requirements,” says Amy.

Within two weeks of removing these ingredients, Amy noticed a difference. “My symptoms decreased, especially in the mornings, which made me feel so much better, both physically and mentally.” Although she has stuck to her diet plan, she recently reintroduced yeast and milk to observe their effects, but as the symptoms returned she’s had to cut them out again. Despite this dietary challenge, life is now a lot easier for Amy. She says, “I feel so much more confident overall, as it has relieved my symptoms, which has given me peace of mind. I feel invigorated – like a whole new person.”


YorkTest advises that you consult with your GP first if you are experiencing the types of symptoms mentioned in this testimonial.